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时间:2023年09月03日 17:44    来源:香港六和宝典资料大全2023年    浏览: 次






2011.092012.09,加拿大国家研究理事会应用生态毒理学课题组(Applied Ecotoxicology Group, NRC, Canada),国家公派联合培养;






Huili Li, Ling Fu, Chaozheng He*, Jinrong Huo, Houyong Yang, Tingyue Xie, Guozheng Zhao*, Guohui Dong*, Formaldehyde Molecules Adsorption on Zn Doped Monolayer MoS2: A First-Principles Calculation. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 8, 605311. (SCI二区,IF=3.877

Ling Fu, Longbin Yan, Long Lin*, Chaozheng He, kun Xie, Linghao Zhu, Zhanying Zhang, Fe-embedded Au(111) monolayer as an electrocatalyst for N2 reduction reaction. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021, 875, 159907 (SCI工程技术二区Top,IF=4.650

Fu L, Wang R, Zhao CX, Huo JR, He CZ*, Kim K-H*, Zhang W*. Construction of Cr-embedded graphyne electrocatalyst for highly selective reduction of CO2 to CH4: A DFT study[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 414(18): 128857. (SCI一区,IF=10.652

Liu HX, Fu L*, He CZ. The kinetic study of the methane oxidation reaction catalyzed by transition metal oxides RuO/RhO/PdO. Molecular Simulation, 2019, 46:5, 350-355. (SCI四区,IF=1.449)

He CZ, Wang R, Yang HY, Li S, Fu L*. The growth pattern of Ptn (n = 16) clusters on pentagonal B2C monolayer support: A computational study. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 507, 145076. (SCI二区Top,IF=5.155)

He CZ, Wang R, Xiang D, Li XY, Fu L*, Jian ZY, Huo JR, Li S. Charge-regulated CO2 capture capacity of metal atom embedded graphyne: A first-principles study. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 509, 145392. (SCI二区Top,IF=5.155)

Zhang Q, Tang C*, Fu L*. The first-principle study on the performance of biaxial strained graphdiyne as the Li-ion battery anode. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 497, 143723.(SCI二区Top,IF=5.155)

Wang XX, Tang CM*, Zhou XF, Zhu WH, Fu L*. The good performance of bilayer β-antimoneneas an anode material for the Li-ion battery study. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 495, 143549.(SCI二区Top,IF=5.155)

Guo Y, Tang CM*, Wang XB, Wang C, Fu L*. Density functional calculations of efficient H2 separation from impurity gases (H2, N2, H2O, CO, Cl2, and CH4) via bilayer g-C3N4 membrane. Chin. Phys. B, 2019,28(4), 048102,DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/28/4/



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